I remember when I was in high school I was so ready to grow up and be on my own. What I didn’t realize is all of the things one encounters in the “real world.” When you’re young you have everything planned and mapped out not realizing that along the way you’ll have hills to climb, detours, and plain dead ends. How can you face everyday challenges without feeling the urge to throw the towel in? How does one deal with life circumstances that can sometimes be beyond painful without wanting to quit? It’s so easy to give up when things don’t go how you expected, when you’ve tried and tried and things still not getting better, or when you feel like you’re at the end of your road with nowhere or no one to turn to. In my journey with this thing called life, I had to learn what having faith is really about. Now I’ll be honest I have had my days and sometimes still do (I’m human) where I tend to feel like I am losing my faith, but then I think back to all of the things I’ve overcame and conquered and I snap back into reality quick. You see faith is believing whole heartedly that things will work out for your greater good. You might not see how, but in your heart you just “know” that it’ll happen. I’ve been in situations where I couldn’t do anything but rely solely on my faith or I would’ve been lost.
So that’s my challenge to you. To encourage you to find that faith. Having a bad day or even a bad year? Remember that after the storm the sun comes. Emotionally and mentally tired? Remember that bad days don’t last forever. You have to keep your faith and remember that situations are only temporary. There will be days that you feel like the whole world is against you, but that is only what you call a test of your faith. You need to just trust the journey even when you do not see the destination. That is what having faith is all about!!