Hey guys! I wanted to speak on elevation because I believe this year is all about advancement. Moving forward and becoming a better person, parent, and spouse. This is a year full of job promotions, financial increases, breakthroughs in our situations that we’ve been waiting on, and anything else that we want to happen in our lives. I mean basically just levitating in all areas. There’s still 8 months left in the year and that means 8 months that are full of blessings on blessings on blessings. I don’t know about you, but I’m claiming it all. That new job you want you’ll get it. That new vehicle you want is yours! That business idea that you’ve had for years is going to come into action! That degree that you wanted years ago you’re going to start on! Everything you want to happen in your life is going to happen and it’s going to start happening this year. Speak on it with authority!
With that being said, don’t forget that things don’t happen right when we want it to. We tend to give up when things don’t go the way we want them to right away. Unfortunately in life things usually don’t go as planned. If you want something to happen for you don’t forget that you have to put time and action into your plan while having patience and faith. Oh and if you want it bad enough you will stick to it. Just because something doesn’t happen when you want it to doesn’t mean that it’s not for you. Have you ever thought that maybe just maybe you just need to change the plan? In order for this year to be a year of elevation we have to put aside any excuses we’ve previously had. There’s no time for excuses when we want more in our life. Also, get rid of all of that self-doubt you have. Self-doubt is a huge goal killer. This year you will believe 100% in yourself and in your capabilities. You don’t just think you can do something, but you KNOW you can. Change your mindset and watch you crush your goals one after the next.
So if you were looking for a sign this is it. If you were wondering when things were going to turn around for you this is your sign too. It will happen! It’s going to happen! You were built for this and you will achieve great things! You will be successful! You will reach your next level! You will win! This will be your greatest year thus far! It’s time for you to get out of that shell you’ve been in and spread your wings and blossom!!! As always I’m rooting for you!
Despite everything that has happened, and that is going to happen this year, I am working towards a better me, a more confident me and a more me me!
This is my sign!
Thank you so much for sharing.
- Nyxie